Press styrofoam and save space

In the industry, Styrofoam is also known as EPS or Airpop. Depending on the industry, large quantities of the material may be generated in normal day-to-day operations and need to be disposed of quickly and effectively. Often this takes the form of loose collections in containers or bags. To create space, it is convenient to reduce the volume of the material. This works best with a press that squeezes the air out of the Styrofoam until only the shaping polystyrene remains, which in turn can be returned to the recycling loop as a valuable material.

The briquetting press StyroPress

To achieve maximum compaction, Strautmann has developed the StyroPress briquetting press. It reduces the volume of molded parts and co. by up to 98 percent. For this purpose, the Styrofoam only needs to be filled into the machine. An integrated shredder shreds the molded parts. From there, the material automatically enters a pressing chamber that compacts the Styrofoam with a pressing force of up to 25 tons. This produces handy briquettes that stack well. This enables a transport capacity utilization of up to 100 percent.

Precise processing of styrofoam thanks to numerous options

Depending on which range of functions is desired, a choice can be made between different models of the StyroPress. Thus, the machines are available with or without shredder. A gutter system can be integrated on request and the buffer tank can be extended to a silo. Conveyor belts and a feed table for pre-sorting are also possible.

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